About this product
The Healthy Pit Stop with a handmade, unique BEAUTIFUL top! Deodorant is something we use every day, which has a direct and powerful impact on our health and well-being, as well as on our glandular system and mammaries (boobies). Common sense says not to use poisons in this area! Reusable container! Vibrational Therapy Deodorant Refill comes in a fun, simple and biodegradable packaging! Pocket Size Vibe Deodorant is perfect on the go deodorant! Glides on soft, silky and YUMMY smooth Full of amazing Essential Oils (for Health, Courage, Mood enhancing / Joy, letting go of stress) Beautiful eco-friendly refillable container! Turns smelly bacteria to an odorless salt VibesUP charging coaster in the lid
Vibrational therapy deodorant